Saturday, March 21, 2009


Don't know if you find it annoying when you open your email inbox; just to realize that it is filled with junk email, promotions.

When you open a certain webpage and a webpage pops out, promoting about some product. And often these pop-ups, email spam, often have spyware encrypted into and it does some really nasty stuff to the computer.

But in the first why was SPAM ever intended. It was invented so that people could spread their product or get to know whether people like that particular product or not? Also some people want to get a message to other people, so the best way is to make everyone read their message once they visit that particular website.

However, because of SPAM, some people end up creating new email accounts because they're getting too many SPAMS. That also includes SPAM calls, whereby people receive calls from annonymous people that try to sell their product or try to con people.

So measuring the advantages and disadvantages of SPAM, I believe that people, should stop SPAM.

Spring Break

I was about to buy my flight ticket to New York, when my auntie living in New York calld me and told me that she's going back to Malaysia. So I was left with the option of doing last minute planning, booking a hotel and joining oher people that will be going to New York. Or stay on campu and find something to do. I decided the latter would be best.

So here I am writting this blog. I started moving into the lounge at ISR in the morning, made my bed and I was already to settle in. The lounge wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but things just got even better. I found some people from my floor that were living at ISR; apparent;y one of them has a car, so we decided to go on a road trip to Michigan, Chicago then back to UIUC.

It was a three hour long drive to Indiana Dunes where we spend our afternoon walking along the beach and enjoying the breeze from Michigan Lake. Later on we started skipping stones on the water while waiting for the sun to set. When it happened it was amazing.

Now we're planning on how to direct our very own music video. Something about love, loyalty and fate. So we're gonna get up at 5am and get to a nice beach to watch the sun rise then start our MV.

So the journey begins.


I went skydiving 2 weeks ago, I emailed the falling illini and they signed me up for a accelerateed free fall(AFF). Where I'm supposed to jump up off the plane at 14500 feet, accompanied by 2 instructors. So we left the union and drove for 2 hours till we reached Vandala Airport, an official US skydiving side.

We spend the entire morning practising the proper skydiving posture, getting out of the plane properly and pulling the rip cord. I underwent special training, as I'm the only first timer that's going to do a AFF, the other 7 people were gonna do a Static line jump, whereby they are strapped on to an instructor and just enjoy the ride back down to earth.

We had a very special member with us on that day, he was a special forces personnnel, and he'd already done 140 military jump out of C130's, even the instructors were blown away, then he told us all his stories, we were just amazed.

At one moment, the lead instructor took out a big box and asked me to lay down on the box, belly facing down. He made we wear the full gear, and practise the move as if I was actually sky diving, it was really tiring. The special forces guy also gave me a few tips of his own, 'There are somethings, where you can't always follow the rules, just trust your Instinct'.

After 6 hours of training, we were all strapped into our gear and ready to rock and roll. We were about to enter the plane when the jump got called off, due to very high winds, haiz, we'll just hav to wait till spring break is over then we can actually make that jump.

Remember when sex was safe...and skydiving was dangerous?